Analysing international policy processes and Lithuania’s role in them
Review Nov 04, 2021

Fixing EU (in) visibilities in the six EaP countries


The visibility of the EU lies in its ability to carry out effective public diplomacy. The data discussed in this policy paper make it clear that the EU has achieved some degree of success in building its image, which varies from country to country in the EaP region. However, a reversal in public perception of the EU cannot be ruled out either, as it may occur due to local political dynamics in the eastern neighborhood. The recommendations presented in this policy paper address the current modus operandi in the field of EU public diplomacy by analyzing, in particular, the work of EU embassies and the local popularization of EU-funded projects. To diminish the effects of the existing shortcomings, the policy paper suggests, the EU should become more involved and connected to the realities of the EaP countries and their public. Right now, the EU may be the most trusted international actor in the region, but to maintain sustainable visibility, it should be more proactive and inventive, the paper suggests.

Associate Expert at the EESC and Research Fellow and PhD student at the Institute of Political Science at the Justus Lybig University of Giessen, Germany, researching global governance and the resilience of countries in the EU neighbourhood. He has published extensively between 2015 and 2021 on European integration, EU-Russia interaction, good governance and energy security in Eastern Europe. Mr Cenusa is also an Associate Expert at the Moldova think tank Expert-Grup, where since 2015 he has been coordinating a SIDA-funded joint project with the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels on Sakartvel, Moldova and Ukraine.

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